In Volume 3. The Translation Process Series. Through the AI Glass and What Translation Found There, we aim to delve deeper into the crossroads of translation and AI. Through the viewpoints of 15 authors, this e-book explores the manifold relationship between human translators and AI technologies. Rather than offering definitive solutions or conclusive findings, the editors aim to investigate the limits of AI through a collection of diverse insights, and foster critical discourse in this novel and dynamic field. This Volume 3 gives a voice to anyone interested in translation, particularly focusing on their experiences with AI. By doing so, the volume provides a platform for sharing personal insights, fears, and perspectives regarding the integration of AI in translation. By opening up this discussion, we hope to gather a diverse range of viewpoints and foster a deeper understanding of how AI is viewed in the field of translation.
Edicions de la Universitat de Lleida, 2024
142 p. · · ISBN 978-84-9144-508-1 · Gratuït · anglès
Matèria: Computació i tecnologia de la informació : Llenguatge natural i traducció automàtica
Registre OAI
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