The Talent Maker Guide is addressed to teachers, particularly pursuing to help multicultural school teachers. Nonetheless, considering that the activities might also take place at home, it includes some hints and indicators for families. It is arranged in five chapters preceded by an introduction that gathers the prelude of this book, the explanation of the project and its context; and concluded with the project conclusions and the bibliography. The first section includes the Theoretical Revision that establishes the bases of the project, a justification of the election of the Creative Thinking Spiral approach for the Digital Educative Capsules and a comparison of Talent-based learning and Maker Education. The second one, is a description of the essential ideas of the Talent Maker Methodology: school organisation, learning environments, learning objectives, teachers and pupils' roles, (Digital) Educative Capsules, activity development, connections with the curriculum and evaluation. Not only the Learning Environments pages contain space and equipment considerations, but also the unwritten values promoted during the activities such as recycling, learning by doing or the idea that you can?t get it right without getting it wrong, among others. In the Case Study chapter there are the capsule, the lesson plans and three teachers experience to illustrate the project implementation. The Digital Educative Capsules section displays some Digital Educative Capsule examples and specifications about their templates, visual supporting materials, and how to upload new Capsules to the participatory exchange system. The Assessment and Feedback pages detail the evaluation and communication during the learning process, as well as the assessment templates and feedback collectors? tools. Finally, the conclusions chapter reflects on the project experience and evaluates the quality of the intellectual outputs and their impact.
Girona: Universitat de Girona. Oficina Edicions UdG, 2023
192 p. · · ISBN 978-84-8458-646-3 · Gratuït · anglès
Matèria: Societat i ciències socials : Desenvolupament de competències
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